Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Thesis: Logo Design III

Here are the finalized logos for my thesis, obviously named sprout. The colors were chosen because they are shadows of the bright oranges and greens. They are unlike the colors you typically see at stores. They don't hurt your eyes at all. The final one chosen is the bottom right. What do you think? It's clean, modern, and has the repetition of the "o" which follows the circular aspect similar to the actual product.

Thesis: Mockups

Here are a few images of the mockups. The last three are of my final design.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Thesis: Logo Design II

Here, I've taken the final two from the previous post and have started adding more of a sproutlike, or illustrative look. I decided to keep it clean with an actual sprout coming out of it. Still working in black and white though.

Thesis: Logo Design

So the name for my thesis project is officially "Sprout". Here's my first go at the logo. Which font do you like?