Monday, June 10, 2013

How To Create An Inspiring Office

Busy busy busy. I'm behind on lots of things, including decorating my office. Currently, my biggest concern is the blank walls. It's just so colorless and bland! But how could I go about decorating on a budget when I can't even slot a time to paint something original?

You guys have any ideas? I suppose I could bring things in from home, but remember, it's a temporary office! If it weren't, I'd definitely be putting in more shelving space, a comfy rug, and wall art, a fridge, microwave... The list would go on and on. The only decorative elements I have are some fake flowers, an inexpensive frame with a photo of my little one when she even tinier, and a file box with a floral pattern on it. See below.

I'm thinking of getting some easy to put up decals. I can design them online and then get them cut with a local guy who has a cutter. But that still cost money... Below is a shot of the sewing area.

What do you think? Should i bother to decorate a temporary office, or just wait to see if business picks up more and pretend it's a pretty space?

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